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Monday, February 28, 2011

Further typing issues

The title of the previous post should have read "brain-to-finger translation", not "finger-to-brain translation".  I'm trying to type what I'm thinking, not trying to think by poking my finger around inside my skull.  I think that would be counterproductive.

My Epic Saga of Dish-Breaking (which has been going on for the last 5 years or so) continued today, as I managed to break a glass by touching it with a dishcloth.  I broke one a few days ago as well, by accidentally (and very gently) bumping it against the side of the cupboard when I was putting it away.

See, this is why I can't have nice things.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Lost in finger-to-brain translation

So, I went to type "blogger" into the address bar and accidentally typed "blerg" instead.

Just thought I'd share.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Time to bloggity-blog things up - TO THE MAX

I've never done the blog thing before but I figured it's about time I jumped on the bandwagon and joined...uh, last decade.  Hopefully I will have something interesting to say but, if not, at least nobody's forcing you to read as some sort of bizarre torture (OR ARE THEY!?!!?  DUN DUN DUUUNNNNN...).  It occurs to me now that perhaps I should have had some sort of idea of what I wanted to write about before I started.  Guess I'll figure it out as I go.

Sooo, Oscars on Sunday.  Will you be watching?  I probably won't be, in part because it bores me out of my skull.  I don't really care who wins what; instead I care about who wears what, and I can look that up online after the show.

Since I'm tired enough that I'm nodding off while typing, I think I'd better call it a night for now.  Tomorrow brings buttloads of homework and several hours of dance rehearsal, so a good night's sleep is in order.